What is SAT?
The Scholastic Assessment Test is a standardized test for most admissions in the United States. The school students seeking admission into undergrad course in the US and international students seeking admission in US colleges need to take this test.
minimum acceptable
The final SAT score is an aggregate of three scores ranging between 200 and 800. The three scores are writing score, math scores, and critical reading score. Thus, the perfect scores are 2400 while minimum possible score 600 (which is practically considered zero).
What is the format of SAT?
The SAT measures the skills you have learned in and outside your classroom during school days and measures how well you can apply that knowledge in undergrad courses. The test consists of three sections.
What is the difference between Academic Module and General Training module?
Both modules cover all four language skills – listening, reading, writing and speaking. Everyone takes the same Listening and Speaking tests. There are different Reading and Writing tests for the Academic and General Training modules.
The Listening, Reading and Writing tests must be completed on the same day. There are no breaks between the three written tests. The Speaking test may be taken up to seven days before or after the other three tests.